Banesco VE

We improve BanescoMóvil! Now you can make your usual Mobile Payment with change in your Green Account easily and quickly. When making your PagoMóvil you will be able to select between your Account in Bs or your Green Account, and when selecting your Green Account, through the Retail mechanism, the beneficiary will receive the payment in Bs. With BanescoMóvil you can: - Interact with the DANI virtual assistant, who can answer your questions and concerns 24 hours a day, and will also offer you information or suggestions about products and services. - As appropriate, you can log in with your main BanescOnline user or your BanescOnline Empresa master user. - Include Beneficiaries in your Directory when making a transaction. (For BanescOnline Empresa master users it only applies to Foreign Currency Operations). - Check the balance of your products in national or foreign currency. - Make immediate transfers to third parties at Banesco and other banks.**** - Make payments for services: CORPOELEC, CANTV, Movistar, Movilnet, Digitel, Simpletv and Inter. - Send payments from the PagoMóvil option, with a charge to your Bs Account or your Green Account.** - Access the My Qr option, to receive payments. - Include Beneficiaries in the Frequent Payments directory for Mobile Payment.*** - Check the receipt of your operations for both Mobile Banking and Mobile Payment (per day or per month) - View, share and download receipts when making a transaction. - View and export the latest movements and monthly transactions. - Perform Quick Operations (Balance Inquiry and Payment Sending -Mobile Payment-). ** Mobile Payment is a service available only to BanescOnline users. *** The Beneficiary of the PagoMóvil transaction must be affiliated with the service. **** You can also select the transfer method: via account or telephone number. We added BanescoMóvil, our new BanescoPagos Suite (only for legal clients). It is the app that integrates and centralizes various electronic collection and payment services to facilitate the daily operations of your business. With the BanescoPagos Suite you can: - Get paid in person and remotely through digital channels that will facilitate the daily operations of your business (example: for delivery cases) grant change, in cases where your clients make cash payments - Management and creation of secondary profiles to delegate functions to your employees according to customized roles and permissions - Validate your accredited payments in a practical and secure way - Have a consolidated module where all the operations carried out through the BanescoPagos suite are reflected (your transactions) It is the effective solution that your business needs! Requirements: To use the application you must be affiliated with BanescOnline or BanescOnline Empresa, as applicable. To use the Mobile Payment options, you must join the service from BanescOnline through the “Mobile Payment > Membership” option. Own devices with the following characteristics: Android version 6.0 or higher