Ballroom Competition Trainer L

Ballroom Competition Trainer L


Ballroom Competition Trainer is a valuable tool for the dedicated Ballroom Dancer, who wishes to prepare for e.g. a competition final in the most realistic musical settings. Without Ballroom Competition Trainer, preparing the proper music for training sessions can be difficult and tedious. You may be spending a lot of time in various music editing applications, trimming your songs to a given duration, and afterwards arranging them in a fixed playlist. Worst of all: This means that you will often end up practicing to the same songs in the same order session after session. This again means that you will not be trained for a competition setting in which you don't know what music will be played. Furthermore, this approach is inflexible. Imagine that for one session you might like to dance 1:30 minutes of each dance, but for the next session you would like to dance 2:00 minutes. You would probably need to redo the entire music editing procedure to construct a new playlist. Ballroom Competition Trainer is completely on-the-fly configurable, and eliminates all these downsides of having to prepare your music. App features include: - 6 pre-defined sessions (Standard WDSF/WDC, Latin WDSF/WDC, Smooth and Rhythm) - Specify durations for the steps in your sequence - Assign playlists, genres or folders from your media library to each of your dances - Random selection of songs for each step (no two training sessions will be the same) - In-app instructions, helping you through the initial app configuration - Support for MP3, MP4, M4A, WAV, OGG, FLAC. Once you have configured genres for each of your dances, all of the above features can be controlled on an ad-hoc basis, and adjusted within seconds during your training sessions. This enables you to focus on perfecting your dancing skills, rather than acting as a DJ.

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