Bacaan Sholat

Bacaan Sholat


Prayer Reading Application is an application that contains a complete prayer readings with accompanying audio sound readings, lafadz and translation. Highly recommended to be a collection of digital applications in your smarthphone to help learning reading prayer 5 times (fard prayer reading / reading the obligatory prayers). The entire audio can be heard offline, do not need the Internet network so that more practical, not bothered by the quality of the Internet network. Contents Reading IND application include: - Adhan = lafadz and audio translation with melodious chanting the call to prayer from various parts of the world. - Intention Wudu = audio, lafadz and translation - Reading the prayer (fard prayer reading / reading prayer 5 times / reading the obligatory prayers) = audio, lafadz and translation of literature in prayer - Letter short letter Koran = audio, lafadz and translation of short letters Qur'an that is read during prayers. Congratulations download the Application Reading Prayer. Hopefully this application is useful for us all, Ameen ...