B1 Archiver zip rar unzip

B1 is an all-in-one archiver application. B1 Archiver can: * Decompress ZIP, RAR, B1, as well as 34 other formats. * Create password-protected ZIP and B1 archives. * Extract multi-part RAR and B1 archives. * Browse archive files without extraction. * Partial extraction - extract only selected files without decompressing the whole archive. * Open password-protected B1, ZIP, RAR, and 7z archives. * Pro Version removes all ads. B1 archiver is localized in more than 30 languages. We very much appreciate your support and welcome everyone to contribute to translations at http://crowdin.net/project/b1-interface/invite Key features: * Decompress ZIP, RAR, 7z, APK, A, AR, ARJ, BZ2, BZIP2, CAB, DEB, GZ, GZIP, JAR, ISO, LHA, LZH, LZMA, MTZ, RPM, TAR, TAR.BZ2, TBZ, TBZ2, TAR.GZ, TGZ, TPZ, TAZ, TAR.LZMA, TAR.XZ, TAR.Z, XAP, XAR, XZ, Z, ZIPX * Extract multi-part (splitted) RAR and B1 archives (part0001, z01, 001, part01 extensions supported). * Extract password-protected B1, ZIP, RAR and 7z archives. * Partial extraction - extract only selected file(s) without decompressing the whole archive. * Support for ZIP archive names with non-Latin symbols. * Compress files to ZIP archives. * Compress files to B1 archives with smart compression. * Create password-protected ZIP and B1 archives. * Progress in notification area and working in background mode. * File management: navigation, copy, paste, delete, rename, file properties. * Browse archive files without extraction. * Multi-selection of files and folders. * Favorite folders. * Hiding files from media scan. and much more... We appreciate your feedback! If you'd like to suggest new features or improvements please do not hesitate to contact us at support@b1.org Required permissions: Read&Write: external storage - to create archives and copy files to external storages. Access network state and Internet - for Google Analytics module which is used to collect aggregate data on general usage frequency and marketing efficiency. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Where can I get the password? A: B1 Archiver does NOT require any passwords. If you were asked to enter one, it means that your archive is password-protected. Please check this article for most common ways to find the password: http://b1.org/help/Where-can-I-get-the-password-to-the-archive.jsp If you 100% sure that your archive is not protected with a password, but you are still prompted to submit it - please send it to support@b1.org for investigation. First released back in 2011, B1 Archiver continues to gain popularity among the users all over the word due to its high functionality and friendly user interface. We are making B1 so amazingly simple that every task can be done in a few taps. Our users enjoy working with our software. Would you like to join them?