Auto Bluetooth Connect Devices

Auto Bluetooth Connect Devices


Auto connect Bluetooth using below configuration conditions: - Enter a broadcast name for Bluetooth devices, separated by commas - Bluetooth device MAC address - Bluetooth device UUID Start scan to connect automatically. Scan Bluetooth BLE device easily. It Gives following Info: -Bluetooth Name -Mac Address -RSSI value Connect one or many easily get full detail of nearest device easily: - Device Info like name,address and many more - RSSI Info like RSSI values, timestamp and many more - Scan Records - Raw Ad Records Download App Now and make Bluetooth feature more useful in a easy way. Required Permission: android.permission.BLUETOOTH android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN Both permission needed to connect Bluetooth and get Bluetooth list android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION In latest devices for scanning Bluetooth location permission needed

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