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Attendance App for Employees

Enjoy 7 days Free Trial of ubiAttendance App. Trusted by companies in 100+ countries, 3800+ clients. 100% Accurate, Fool proof Employee Attendance. Biometric Attendance App You can also use Smartphone for self Attendance or as an Attendance Machine. We implement within 24 hours. Ubitech's smart Attendance App Top Finalists of Digital India App Innovation Challenge, 2020 by Govt. of India Key Features of our Attendance Manager 1. Free Desktop Attendance Software: We also provide Attendance management Software for the Desktops with the Mobile Attendance App for advanced settings & reporting 2. QR code Attendance tracker: Fool proof Attendance - The location along with the User ID, Time, and selfie is captured. No buddy punching 3. Offline Attendance: Works in Rural/Remote areas/Oil Rigs - Where No service is available for attendance machines. 4. Quick Start: Just register your company. Add Employees & ask them to Clock In & Clock Out. Smart Attendance App on Phone. Simple? 5. Face Attendance App: Facial Recognition for workers. Track in 4 ways with User ID + Time + Selfie + Location 6. Security Attendance Security guard Attendance Tracker App. Daily Security guard attendance register for Security Agencies 7. Track Visits:Track field staff visits with Photo, location & time remotely. Attendance tracker for managers to check Attendance from anywhere. 8. QR Code Attendance:Even construction site, factory, and farm workers Attendance can be captured with just 1 Phone. 9. Flexi Shift: Perfect solution for Employees with undefined Shifts – like part-time helpers, work from home Employees, drivers, etc. 10. School Attendance: Daily Attendance Register App. Capture student Attendance in Attendance Machine mode 11. Geo-fence Attendance: Set up virtual boundaries for Employees. Get insight on employees outside the desired location by Geofencing 12. Construction site Attendance: Our site Attendance App manages basic Leave & wages of Workers & Labour. Integrates easily with HR, CRM, SAP & other ERP software 13. Online Shift Planner: Plan & schedule complicated Shifts effortlessly. Built-in Work Shift Calendar for Employees Shift Scheduling Why ubi Attendance 1. Varied Industries: Best Attendance App for Construction sites, Manufacturing Companies, Schools, Coaching Institutes, Security Agencies, Logistic Companies, Hospitals, Travel Agencies, MNC's, Service Providers. 2. Scalable: The App grows with your organization. Start with just 1 month's plan of a small group. Our Time Attendance App caters to Start-ups, SMEs, Large Enterprises. 3. Highly Affordable: Budget-friendly App. 7 days Free Trial. Subscription-based. Low investment risk. Start with 5 employees. 4. Quick Start: Just register your company. Add Employees & start tracking Attendance. More than 40+ Reports to increase productivity in every possible way. Track latecomers, early leavers, absentees, employee overtime & undertime, and Client Visits with powerful reports. Attendance can be marked anytime, anywhere - every time. Got questions? Contact us at