In the year 2003, inspired by the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II, Pastors Dabo Vobis (1992), Father Reginaldo Manzotti felt in his heart the desire to start an evangelizing project that would respond to the Pope's call: a new evangelization, with “new ardor and new methods ”. In 2004, the project begins to thrive with the possibility of evangelization through the media, with the program “Experience of God”, at Rádio Clube AM, in Curitiba. In 2005, the project is consolidated and the Evangelize Is Precise Association is founded, which, after 13 years, in a new phase of work maturation, was renamed only Evangelize Association. The Work is a non-profit institution, sustained through the contribution of each member, and its purpose is to evangelize everyone through the media through the Word, prayer and service: the Good News, strengthening the faith. and the hope of all people. Evangelizar has the support of the Archdiocese of Curitiba, has embraced the devotion to Jesus of the Santas Chagas and is blessed by Our Lady of Carmo, Godmother of the Work, Saint Pius of Pietrelcina and Saint Joseph. It is considered beneficial because it offers free media content throughout Brazil and other countries, as well as annually holding various evangelizing events in all regions of the country. TV Evangelizar has journalistic, catholic, cultural and informative 24 hours a day. The AM and FM frequencies, in addition to the best Catholic songs, have their journalistic agenda worked focusing on information, religious matters, accountability and more. The Association has also grown increasingly through social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, offering authentic content for families. From the Social Responsibility pillar, in 2018, we were able to attend free of charge and bring donations to more than 160,000 people, as well as provide legal, psychological and parapsychological services, as well as various social services. Visit our website: Contact our team at: (41) 3221-6060