Aquarela FM
NORTH COAST CATARINENSE NOW HAS YOUR RADIO: FM 94.5 MHz AQUARELA The radio making friends! Eclectic music programming and informative sequence made with discretion and responsibility. Joyful communication with the utmost respect and affection with listeners of all ages. Journalists and professional communicators, with experience in large Brazilian issuers. Full coverage in all municipalities of the coast from Penha to Itapoá, contemplating Balneario Picarras, Old Bar, St. John's Itaperiu, Massaranduba, Balneario Barra do Sul, Araquari, South San Francisco, Luiz Alves and Jaragua do Sul. Register that communicators providing public utility and make constant references to listeners and social and cultural events in these localities (Geographically located in Barra Velha) reaches Brazil and the world, proving the extent by constant requests messages and serving favorite songs by listeners of Germany and Italy, among others. For all these characteristics, WATERCOLOR FM - Radio making friends, is entitled as the ideal vehicle for the placement of commercial companies campaigns of all the coastal region.