Antennas and Wave Propagation

Antennas and Wave Propagation

Antennas and Wave Propagation: The App is designed for quick learning, revisions, references at the time of exams and interviews. This App lists 135 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. This app cover most of related topics and Detailed explanation with all the basics topics. Some of the topics Covered in the app are: 1. Antenna-Introduction 2. Types of Antennas 3. Antenna pattern 4. Radiation Pattern Lobes 5. Isotropic, Directional, and Omnidirectional Patterns 6. Principal Patterns 7. Field Regions of Antenna 8. Radiation Power Density 9. Radiation intensity 10. Beamwidth 11. Directivity 12. Beam Solid Angle 13. Antenna Efficiency 14. Antenna Gain 15. Polarization of an Antenna 16. Beam Efficiency of Antenna 17. Bandwidth of an Antenna 18. Types of Polarization 19. Polarization Loss Factor 20. Polarization Efficiency 21. Input impedance of the Antenna 22. Antenna Radiation Efficiency 23. Effective Length of an Antenna 24. Antenna Effective Area 25. Relationship between directivity and maximum effective area 26. Friis Transmission Equation 27. Radar Range Equation 28. Antenna temperature 29. Retarded Potential 30. Far Field Radiation 31. Loop Antennas 32. Radiation parameters of a small loop 33. Small Loop and Infinitesimal Magnetic Dipole 34. Power Density of Infinitesimal dipole 35. Radiation resistance of Infinitesimal dipole 36. Ohmic Resistance of the Circular loop 37. Near-Field Region-Small Loop 38. Far-Field Region -Small Loop 39. Radiation Intensity and Directivity 40. Equivalent Circuit of small Loop antenna 41. Circular loop of constant current 42. Parameters of the Circular Loop 43. Ferrite loop 44. Microstrip antennas (MSA) 45. Antenna Arrays 46. Uniform N-Element Linear Array 47. N-Element Linear Array 48. Direction of Maximum Radiation 49. Direction of Maximum Radiation 50. Directions of Nulls 51. Broadside and End-fire Arrays 52. End-fire arrays 53. Hansen-Woodyard End-fire Array 54. Binomial array 55. Short Electric dipole 56. Retardation effect in short electric dipole 57. Magnetic Field Component: of short dipole 58. Radiation resistance of short dipole 59. Rhombic antenna 60. Folded dipole 61. Long wire antenna 62. Isotropic Linear Arrays 63. Multiplication of Patterns 64. Effect of Earth on the Radiation Pattern 65. Effect of Earth on the Radiation Pattern of Vertical Antenna 66. Effect of Earth on the Radiation Pattern of Horizontal Antenna 67. Phased (scanning) Arrays 68. Array of 2 isotropic point sources of same amplitude and phase 69. Array of 2 isotropic point sources of same amplitude but opposite phase 70. Linear Broadside Arrays with Nonuniform Amplitude Distributions 71. Half-Wave Dipole Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding. Features : * Chapter wise complete Topics * Rich UI Layout * Comfortable Read Mode * Important Exam Topics * Very simple User Interface * Cover Most Of Topics * One click get related All Book * Mobile Optimized Content * Mobile Optimized Images This app will useful for quick reference. The revision of all concepts can be finished within Several hour using this app. Instead of giving us a lower rating, please mail us your queries, issues and give us valuable Rating And Suggestion So we can consider it for Future Updates. We will be happy to solve them for you.

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