333Foto Memory Trainer

333Foto Memory Trainer

Photographic Memory Trainer represents a new and unique opportunity to train your photographic memory. Photographic memory is a skill that only a few people have, but this skill can be learned by everyone. Photographic memory allows you to memorize the whole picture with more details in one blink of an eye. Start practicing! We wish you great fun in overcoming yourself in this game! The current version of Photographic Memory Trainer offers three versions of the game and for training your photographic memory. Numbers, colors and symbols are three different options for your training. The button "Play" starts a game. When you play the game, it adapts to your abilities. At the beginning each repetition adds one more symbol (next level) that you have to remember and repeat. After first error, the game returns to the previous level and you have to remain for some time in this level. The number of repetitions is 30. The button "Training" starts training mode of the game. First you can set parameters for the training – number of trials, seconds for displaying the symbols and the number of symbols (level). Training ends after evaluating your specified number of trials. Repeated training starts again at the level that you set last time. Instructions