101 Hadist Nabi Muhammad SAW
This application contains the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Who is the group that is guaranteed to be saved by Rasulullah SAW. The answer is ahlussunah wal jama'ah. There are so many groups of Muslims today who claim to be the most ahlussunah, even though the morality is not necessarily in accordance with the principles of ahlussunnah. The Muslims who are followers of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) are not only righteous in their beliefs and beliefs but also in their behavior and deeds. Do not confess ahlussunah if our faith and morality to Allah SWT and fellow human beings are not good !!. If we feel that the path to the sunnah of our worship is the most correct but likes to denounce and punish his brother ugly, that is including arrogance. Because according to the Messenger of God the arrogance is to reject the truth (Islamic teachings) and to underestimate others (whom he considers inferior to him). Arrogant and self-righteous including the most despicable morality and not including the morality of the ranks of ahlussunah wal jama'ah.